Sunday, June 9, 2013

There is no plan for jet lag

Once again, Lillian arose WELL before dawn.

Nina and I stayed up late and probably went to bed around 1 am.  At 3:30 am, we realized that the night was over and the morning had begun.  Before 8:00 a.m., I had likely awoken neighbors putting together the Pretty Pink Coupe and she took an early morning ride up the street.

Max, fortunately, is re-acclimating to Pacific Time more successfully and  after he joined the fun, we began to get ready for a walk down to the Claremont Farmer's Market.  Max wheeled along in his Heeley's (shoes with wheels in the soles), Nina pushed the stroller and I had the dog for our leisurely stroll.  Not surprisingly, we noticed Lillian asleep as we proceeded.  Once in the Village, Max grabbed a quick snack and I headed off to the market to pick up some fruit.  Since Max is a conscientious objector from eating fruit,   we feel some pressure to make sure Lillian does not follow suit.

This is what we like to see.

On the walk back, we stopped to visit with our good friends Claudia, John and Ula.  They graciously invited Max to hang out for the day (and he returned with an extremely generous gift - WOW, thanks!).  With Max having a more nine-year-old-appropriate day, we were free to indulge the little one.  We stopped at Larkin Park (known in our family as the Pirate Park for its Pirate Ship-themed climber) and took Lillian down the slides, on the swings and other playground equipment.

 She really had a great time.  Lillian enjoyed the swings, which it seems like she had never tried before.  Also, she was comfortable with the other kids that were around.  She shared the steering wheel with another little girl and an older neighbor kept asking her to play (we had to explain that Lillian didn't speak English).

Finally, we prevailed up on her to head home.  After a little play time around the house, we all needed a nap.  Can you still call it a nap if it lasts more than four hours?  'Cause that's how long she slept.  As I write to you, it is 10:39 and all is quiet upstairs.  It seems like Nina got her down to sleep.  But the big question is how long it will last.  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi JB! Ruben and I just got back from Italy and I also have jet lag. I have been up since 3:00 a.m. and I am eating breakfast and catching up on your adventures. What a beautiful family you have. Best wishes to you all.
