Sunday, May 26, 2013

New places and new beginnings

A two hour flight brought us to Nanjing and after a 40 minute van ride, we arrived at our hotel in the heart of the old city.  Nanjing was the capital of China prior to Beijing and the narrow streets and old style architecture reminded us each of our hometowns, the French Quarter and the North End.

We were charmed during a brief walk through the area to find provisions.  It was the sort of experience we had been waiting for.  As interesting as Beijing was, we weren't often able to wander around and just enjoy the sights and sounds - it was too big and urban, at least where we visited.

The hotel was quite a sight. The lobby is really beautiful with marble floors and a piano that appears to sit in a shallow pond.  An elaborate wedding party was taking place on the mezzanine overlooking the lobby.  We went to our room - which is a little more worn than the lobby would lead you to believe, but still more than adequate - and our guide had arranged for a crib to be brought in.

Dinner was at a nearby restaurant.  Our guide ordered for us before heading off.  We had a spicy beef dish, some braised cabbage that came to the table on a sterno burner and Max had dumplings.  My fantasy that perhaps I would lose a few pounds on this trip is being happily dashed.

This was the night view of the riverfront lights of Nanjing from our room.
Hopefully we will be able to continue to explore this interesting city - but first we have some businesses to attend about four hours.  Stay tuned.


  1. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting on the next installment ....
